Self-Image Counseling in 2Wellbeing
Today’s world can make it seem like the only two things that matter are how fast you can succeed and who’s watching you do it. That’s neither a sustainable nor healthy outlook, but it’s so easy to find ourselves in the comparison trap.
When we compare, our flaws are amplified, and strengths minimized. It becomes normal to have low self-esteem. While it may be normal, your negative self-image isn’t healthy. And it’s not a true reflection of who you are! Thrive works Amherst counselors are here to help you build a true self-image. (You’re pretty awesome by the way!)
Why do we do this? Because you have more potential and strengths than you know and are entirely worth it. Everyone has weaknesses. Those flaws don’t erase all the good in you. If you’re ready to look at your reflection with pride and love, Thrive works Amherst Self-image counseling may be for you. If your self-doubts and poor self-image is hindering you from getting all you can out of life, please schedule an appointment with a 2Wellbing by today by calling 7030734107

What Is Self-Image?
Self-image is just a term that compiles all the ways you view yourself. Part of it is your self-esteem (how confident you are in your ability to succeed). The other parts will be different for every person. Maybe it’s how you look, your personality, success at work, social adeptness, or so much more. Some of these facets you might feel pretty good about! Others, you might think you’re the absolute worst. Self-image counseling will break down the lies so we can form an accurate image of yourself. More often than not, this is acknowledging the positive character traits we have brushed aside, or finally unwinding a lie we’ve believed about ourselves. Understanding and accepting weaknesses is also important. 2Wellbing will do it all in a counseling session for Self-image.
One of the most discouraging thins about struggling with negative self-image is how we assume we’ll fail at things before we’ve even tried! Other times, we feel as if deep down, there’s something very wrong. Something that can’t be fixed.
It’s an isolating battle that feels hopeless at times. Both of those are lies your negative self-image is telling. 2Wellbing has counselors who understand these lies and the toll they take inside and out and are ready to be your best guide and supporter as you build up your true self-image.
Still unconvinced Self-image counseling is worth it? We get it! To help, we’ve made a list of some symptoms that might mean negative self-image has taken over.
What Does Self-Image Counseling Look Like?
2wellbeing always practices a client-first philosophy. What does this mean? It means your goals, situation, and personality will help guide the counseling session. Self-image counseling is all about you! We can be your guides and offer many helpful tools along the way, but when it comes down to it, the only person who can change you is you! (We have complete faith you’ll be able to!)
Of course, all journeys are made easier with the right equipment and a good partner. 2wellbeing counselors are great partners, and we have quite a few choice tools as well. During a self-image counseling session, we might:
- Explore the roots of low self-esteem
- Learn how to replace negative thoughts with positive ones
- Help you develop self-compassion
- Make reachable life goals
- Plan confidence-boosting activities in your life
- Address any co-morbid disorders that can come with negative self-image (depression, anxiety, or eating disorders are a few examples)
It takes years of unkind thoughts and harsh judgments to form a negative self-image. So, go easy on yourself- it’s going to take a lot to break the bad habits and form new ones. But we 100% believe you can and are excited to prove it to you!
It’s so easy to slip into a negative self-image. A casting glance in the mirror and self-deprecating thought seems harmless, maybe even humble. There’s a fine line between humility and negative self-image though. (One we might explore in a counseling session!) That one thought cascades into many thoughts, which turns into actions, which strengthen the thoughts. Soon they become full on beliefs that are very, very far from the truth.
Self-esteem is the degree to which one feels confident, valuable, and worthy of respect. It exists on a continuum from high to low. Where a person’s self-esteem falls on this spectrum can influence one’s overall well-being.
People with high self-esteem often feel good about themselves and their progress through life. People with low self-esteem often feel shame and self-doubt. They often spend lots of time criticizing themselves. Low self-esteem is a symptom of several mental health conditions, such as anxiety and depression.
Self-esteem draws on beliefs about oneself. Thus, people with low self-esteem is likely to have a low opinion of themselves. They may compare themselves to others, then judge themselves inferior.
People may cope with low self-esteem in different ways. According to the Counseling and Mental Health Center at The University of Texas at Austin, low self-esteem often presents in one of three patterns:
- Imposter Syndrome: A person uses accomplishments or false confidence to mask their insecurities. They fear failure will reveal their true, flawed self. The person may use perfectionism or procrastination to deal with this anxiety.
- Rebellion: A person pretends they don’t care what others think of them. Their feelings of inferiority may manifest as anger or blame. They may act out by defying authority or breaking laws.
- Victimhood: A person believes they are helpless in the face of challenges. They may use self-pity to avoid changing their situation. They often rely on others to save or guide them.
Internally, poor self-regard often manifests as self-criticism. Common examples of negative self-talk include:
- There’s nothing I truly like about myself.
- I’ll never do well enough at school or work to succeed.
- I’m not worthy of seeking things that interest me.
- Other people are more deserving of happiness.
- No one wants to hear about my life or the issues I’m facing.
- It’s all my fault I can’t seem to find people who are good to me. Good people wouldn’t want to be with me, anyway.
Over time, negative thoughts can become so frequent the person sees them as fact. When left on a loop, this thought process can be very damaging.