Best 10 Essential Digital Transformation Tools For 2023

To optimise the user experience of a product, it is important to involve users in all parts of the design process. Involving users in the requirements elicitation stage can be done via open discussions. Co-designing prototypes and ideating can be referred to as a living labs methodology, participatory design, or co-creation. Of course, these workshops can be extended to hackathons and datathons that involve users.

But if your teams still collaborate via Slack, adding a project management platform to your tech stack is a must. The tool will enable your teams to assign and complete tasks, structure projects, track efficiency, and provide reports to managers. Most often, enterprise CRM systems don’t limit their features to simply a CRM. With tools such as HubSpot, you can access all the features critical for marketers, salespeople, and support teams in one interface.

What is digital transformation in business?

Many remote and hybrid teams use Slack or Microsoft Teams to keep in touch with colleagues around the world via instant messaging (voice, video, or text). While these ideas are hardly new — industry experts have been pointing to their importance for decades — today’s technologies bring a new urgency to the old promises. They are so integral to how we run our businesses that it’s almost impossible for executives to run their companies today without closely monitoring the information that modern systems spew.

Having discussed the challenges and ethical concerns in digital mental health, many of these challenges should be addressed using methods that involve all stakeholders. Stakeholders can involve computer-scientists, human-computer interaction (HCI) researchers, policy makers, service designers, service providers, healthcare staff and users. For example, recruitment and onboarding management software TalentSoft identifies the best candidates through scoring and matching features, encouraging staff referrals and feedback from managers. Other tools, like Workday, enable HR teams to craft strategic employee development plans, manage payroll and time off, and customize compensation and benefits packages. Employees are a company’s greatest asset, and effective recruitment has a long-term effect on corporate culture, performance and profitability.

New Generation Intranet Platforms

Also, Google Drive provides encrypted and secure access to your files, meaning you don’t have to worry about outsiders getting access. Files shared with you can be proactively scanned and removed when malware, spam, ransomware, or phishing is detected. You can drag and drop to craft the dashboard, website, doc, or system you need. Not to mention digitally transforming your workflows brings your company one step closer to becoming a paperless office.

  • Apps can also support the capture of sensor data which can provide real time data on relevant behaviours like sleep duration, exercise levels, tone of voice, etc.
  • Succeeding in digital transformation begins with platform selection — finding the right constellation of basic apps plus the ability to rapidly regenerate error-free, running code to support a business’ changing processes.
  • There are plenty of digital tools that can completely transform the way you do customer service and even how you run your business or design your product based on customer feedback.
  • If you haven’t done it yet, it’s time to choose, implement, and what’s most important, adopt a digital accounting tool.
  • Of course, these workshops can be extended to hackathons and datathons that involve users.

In the end, the software platform’s ability to function as a container for business can transform even the most traditional business by giving it new insights about how to best satisfy customers. Two other keys relate to engaging the specific roles of integrators and technology-innovation managers, who bridge potential gaps between the traditional and digital parts of the business. People in these roles help foster stronger internal capabilities among colleagues. Integrators are employees who translate and integrate new digital methods and processes into existing ways of working. Because they typically have experience on the business side and also understand the technical aspects and business potential of digital technologies, integrators are well equipped to connect the traditional and digital parts of the business.

Document Management Software

Without them, we would not be able to communicate with our colleagues and complete a shared task or project. Digital tools provide us with a new way of communicating and collaborating with each other. No digital transformation can be successful without coordinated action across all these areas.

digital transformation tools

Living labs are “collaborations of public-private-civic partnerships in which stakeholders co-create new products, services, businesses and technologies in real life environments and virtual networks in multi-contextual spheres”47. How living labs actually work centres on digital transformation tools methods, processes and services utilised to translate the philosophy into engagement, and these can be summarised as ideation, co-creation, exploration, experimentation and evaluation48. This idea is revisited later in this paper in the section related to digital ethics.

Digital Transformation Strategies for Organizations

Digital transformation requires buy-in from all parties – be it executives, employees, or even customers – to truly succeed. But, this is an understatement to their accomplishments in the digital innovation field. They have in fact created new business processes and solutions which have impacted the entire tech scene. Nielsen49 pioneered the concept of usability engineering and describes usability using five concepts, namely, the learnability, efficiency, memorability, errors and satisfaction of a system. Nielsen50 also developed ten heuristics or design principles that can be used to guide the design and optimise the usability of a product. The concept of optimising the user experience goes beyond usability and includes concepts such as the look and feel of a product, it’s desirability and perhaps it’s delightfulness.

With these benefits, digital mental health is not without profound challenges. ORCHA is a UK-based organisation that assesses key aspects of health apps, including user experience, data privacy and aspects related to the app’s clinical assurance. A report by ORCHA23 detailed that only 32% of available mental health apps would pass a quality assurance benchmark score. A 2022 paper which looked at 578 mental health apps indexed in MIND and rated across 105 dimensions revealed that few apps offered innovative features and many represented privacy risks to users24. An under-realised benefit of digital mental health is the amount of ‘useful’ and ‘actionable’ real-world personal health data that can be generated from clients via digital interventions. Today, a number of traditional mental health services may only collect data from clients at a very low sampling rate where mental health scales are, for example, used at monthly talking therapy sessions.

Knowledge Management Tools

It also found that few have adopted Agile practices, with a mere 17% hosting hackathons and just 29% encouraging a fail-fast-then-succeed mindset. Everest Group found that 78% of enterprises fail in their digital transformation initiatives; the research firm cited unsustainable returns, limited user adoption and abandoned projects among the top reasons for failure. Experts agree that organizations must evaluate their digital transformation process and strategy on an ongoing basis and adjust it to maximize business value. A digital transformation strategy positions organizations to survive and thrive in a future where technology is the key economic driver. It’s no surprise that accounting is often considered tedious and time-consuming, but it is also one of the most important parts of any organization for efficiency, security, and accuracy. Investing in your finance and accounting team’s digital tools and enablement can help accelerate processes, mitigate risk, and save money.

digital transformation tools

The benefit of VR is that the environment and the variables are fully controlled. VR can also be used to engender empathy by simulating what it is like to be in someone else’s shoes so to speak (referred to as VR empathy machines8). Of course, VR can also be used for simulation-based training to train healthcare professionals in treating clients under different controlled scenarios9. Whether a change effort has succeeded or not, the results point to a few shared traits of today’s digital transformations.

Types of Digital Transformation Tools Your Business Needs Now

Investing in digital tools and enabling your finance and accounting team can speed up procedures, reduce risk, and save money. Google Drive, Dropbox, Sync and iDrive are some free and paid tools offering cloud storage services. When managed correctly, intranet solutions enable human resources, internal communications, and IT departments to gather, store, and centralize all business information.

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